The Power of Veterans in the Workplace

In today's competitive job market, organisations constantly seek talented individuals who bring unique skills and perspectives to their teams. One often overlooked group that holds tremendous potential is Veterans and Reservists. These brave men and women who have served their countries possess a wealth of experience, specialised skills, and qualities that make them valuable assets in the civilian workforce. FM Conway proudly supports our Veterans, Reservists and their families and encourages others to do so for the benefit of those in our society who deserve a chance to be successful in their second careers.

In this blog, Michael Barrett and Martin Campbell, two FM Conway employees who take lead roles in the civilian employment of veterans, will explore the significant benefits of recruiting Veterans and Reservists, highlighting how their backgrounds and attributes contribute to organisational success and societal growth.

Unlocking Specialised Skills and Expertise:

One of the key reasons to consider recruiting Veterans and Reservists is the specialised skills and expertise they acquire during their military careers. Whether it's technical knowledge, logistical proficiency, or communication skills, Veterans and Reservists bring a wealth of practical abilities. The training they receive in areas such as technology, healthcare, and leadership provides organisations with a pool of talent that is adaptable and capable of meeting complex challenges head-on. 

A Strong Work Ethic and Discipline:

Discipline is the cornerstone of military training, and Veterans and Reservists are renowned for their work ethic and dedication. The sense of duty instilled in them during their careers translates seamlessly into the civilian workplace. Veterans understand the importance of structure, punctuality, and accountability, bringing a level of commitment and diligence that can positively influence the productivity and morale of their colleagues.

Leadership and Teamwork:

Another key benefit of hiring Veterans and Reservists is their leadership and teamwork skills. Having served in high-pressure situations that require coordination and collaboration, Veterans and Reservists know how to lead by example, motivate others, and foster a culture of trust and respect. They also know how to follow instructions, take feedback, and support their peers. These skills are essential for any organisation that values innovation, diversity, and excellence.

Problem-Solving and Adaptability:

The military equips Veterans and Reservists with exceptional problem-solving and adaptability skills. Their training emphasises critical thinking, quick decision-making, and adapting rapidly to ever-changing circumstances. Veterans bring a unique perspective to problem-solving, approaching challenges with creativity, resilience, and a determination to find practical solutions. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in dynamic work environments, where they can help organisations navigate through uncertainty and drive innovation. In the military, nothing is impossible – you must find a solution to a problem.

Resilience and Stress Management:

Military service demands resilience and the ability to perform under high-stress situations. Veterans can overcome obstacles, manage stress, and remain calm in the face of adversity. These traits contribute to their ability to handle demanding work environments and make them an asset to organisations seeking individuals who can maintain composure, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion:

Diversity and inclusion are essential for fostering innovation and creativity in today's globalised world. By actively recruiting Veterans and Reservists, organisations demonstrate their commitment to embracing diversity and creating an inclusive work environment. Veterans bring a wealth of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, enriching teams with different perspectives and approaches. This not only enhances problem-solving but also strengthens teamwork and collaboration. Not forgetting, Veterans are used to adapting to different cultures – before deploying to places such as Iraq and Afghanistan, you must learn how to greet locals and respect other faiths and traditions.

Incorporating Veterans and Reservists into the civilian workforce is an act of goodwill and a strategic decision that can deliver significant benefits for organisations. Veterans and Reservists possess valuable skills, attributes, and experiences that can enhance performance, productivity, and innovation. By recognising their potential and providing them with opportunities for career development, organisations can leverage their talents and create a competitive advantage in the market.