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Planned Preventative Mainenance


Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) is the process in which a council will arrange for a contractor to survey the condition of a specified area’s assets and subsequently prioritise the programme of works that are required to be completed.

Services used on this project Highways Maintenance Consultancy
How it works

PPM aims to prolong asset longevity by identifying those parts of the network that require low-cost early maintenance. These are captured before more expensive surface or structural treatments are required.

The PPM process is divided into four stages:

  • Annual conditioning survey (ACS)
  • Programme of works
  • Design phase
  • Construction phase

Nominations of locations to be part of the program are collected from several different sources/users of the networks, including Highway Inspectors, Ward Members, Amenity Societies and the General Public. 

In the ACS, the area defined will be surveyed, with the surveyor giving each part of the carriageways and footways a score on the following:

  • Engineering condition score
  • Safety defects score
  • Visual Appearance Score
  • Customer Service Requests Score

Each of the scores are then processed in an equation that will deliver a Value Management Score.

Different weighted criteria such as, aesthetics, defects, customer enquiries, road hierarchy, nominations etc are then applied as per Client’s request in order to deliver a recommended list of schemes for the annual PPM program. 

Once the programme of works has been written, a report is produced for each item on the programme, including:

  • Design specification
  • Proposed treatment
  • Investigation information
  • Drawings
  • Bill of quantities
  • CDM 

Once these are established, the construction phase can begin, the works can be carried out and stakeholder engagement, progress and budget reports can be produced.

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To ensure that the project was completed to the specified timeframe for the client, careful liaison and strict deadlines were adhered to by the FM Conway Consultancy team.

Why we use PPM

Maintenance and emergency works are a vital part of the construction industry and often catastrophic failures can occur, which can lead to a large cost in time and resources, as well as an interruption to the operations of a business or area.
PPM provides a solution to this as it acts as a pre-emptive method of targeting assets that require maintenance.

This works by completing the ACS to UK Pavement Management System (UKPMS) standards. The ACS covers the whole network for both footways and carriageways.
Once the programme is in place, the PPM report is produced assessing how exactly to target any issues forming in the specified area, before construction can begin.

Benefits of PPM

Utilising PPM serves as an insurance policy that ensures all machinery, services and equipment are maintained at regular intervals. 

This helps to minimise asset failure ahead of time, which can provide a number of benefits to the business, clients, stakeholders and the general public.

The potential benefits include:

  • A cost saving on maintenance
  • An increase in efficiency of operations
  • Improved budget and forecasting
  • Improved communication and liaison with developments
  • Minimised impact of road works to the network
  • Reduction of reactive works
  • Ability to group works and reduce disruption to the area

PPM ultimately enhances the longevity of equipment and building fabric, reducing potential expenditure on replacements and eliminating potential problems before they occur.